My name is David Rhoden. I'm a painter, an illustrator, an animator, and a designer.
I also do web development* and play a couple of musical instruments.
I currently live in New Orleans, Louisiana.
(Or just e-mail me at david@davidrhoden.com.)

Mostly signpainter's enamel on shaped plywood, if you're wondering.

I've been published in a bunch of magazines. And, yes, I should do a children's book. (Why, did you write one?)

When I was more than two thirds of the way through law school, a professor asked the class to go around the room and say our name and our dream job. And for the first time I realized that my dream job is...animator.

Once in a while I get to art direct or design a project. Here's a few of those.

Really more like sketches on the back of an envelope while I'm talking on the phone. Stuff that makes a stop on the scanner before going in the trash can.

Rock Music
Pictures and recordings of the bands I've been part of. There were several. There's at least one now.

Stuff For Sale
Recent paintings, t-shirts, etc. If it's here you can buy it unless I sold it already. If it's not here, you can at least ask.

Web Development
O.K., let's discuss. First question: have you considered Squarespace?
I'm available for freelance web development jobs, but unless you have a big database or something, probably what you want is Squarespace.

An ongoing project, memorializing the interesting (to me) events of my life or at least the ones I have pictures of. As close as I'm going to get to a memoir.